It has been some time since my last post here. There’s a reason for that. I’ve had pneumonia. It takes your breath away. Not in the usual, figurative sense, but quite literally. It also sucks the joy of life out of you. I’d like to say it’s all behind me, but the truth is that my energy is not yet up to its normal level. But, I’m getting there.
The seven volumes of Randamor’s Dark Tales have a combined word count of over a million, and as much as I love the characters and the world of Anaxantis, I also needed a break after finishing Mate.
So, those two factors combined contributed to this long period of silence.
Meanwhile, I’ve begun writing again, but not the continuation of Anaxantis’s and Ehandar’s story. Some of you will be disappointed, I know, but eventually I will return to them. I promised you sooner or later I would tie up some loose ends, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
In my mind, these stories are “further” tales of Randamor. The stories, chapters and scenes will be shorter. I plan to put them online as a serial at first. I think in one or two weekly installments. When a story is finished, I will take it offline after a month or so. Eventually I will publish it as a novella/novelette. Three of those will be bundled into a full length book.
The first of the three stories will involve Lee-Lack Scarminckle, the former chief of the Renuvian Plains Robbers, and a rogue Mukthar. The second will narrate the encounter between Lorcko and Timishi on their way to Tyleme, and the pirates of the Ronicerian Isles. The last one will feature Landar Parmingh, the brother and son of Tomar, and the plans of the High King to assemble a war fleet.
These are the provisional titles:
1. Lee-Lack’s Gold
2. Pirates and Mukthars
3. Overlord
Eventually they will be bundled in Pirates of the Ronicerian Isles (Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse – Book VIII).
The stories begin less than two months after the Battle of the Zingara on May 29th, 1453 a.e.d., and they will run parallel to the action of The Invisible Hands – Part 1: Gambit (Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse – Book IV). They should give more depth and relief to the world of Anaxantis, and though he doesn’t appear in them, people talk about him from time to time.
It’s not necessary to have read the first three books to understand the action and events of these stories, though you might miss a subtlety here and there. I will provide ample notes and translations of words in foreign languages.
On the other hand, if you have read the first trilogy, you will recognize some events, though they are told from a different perspective.
Though these stories won’t have the big fireworks like the trilogy and the quadrilogy, which I consider to be the spine of this world, I hope you will like Lee-Lack’s Gold and other stories.
Expect the first installment very soon.

If you are subscribed to my New Releases Newsletter you will get one mail, and one mail only, when the series starts. To get notification each time when an installment is published, please, subscribe to my blog in the column to your right, second box from the top, Subscribe to Blog via Email.

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Bummer that you were ill but is really glad you are doing better. Can’t wait to read anything in Anaxantis’ verse.
Your stories are some kind of wonderful. So take very good care of yourself and happy, happy writing.
Over all take of yourself… We can wait… Your lungs… Well… They cannot.
Get well and have all my support
Looking forward to reading your new stories.
Glad you are on the mend.
Thank you, MissyE, Fausto & Caddy.
I’m sorry to hear you were not feeling well and hope you are only getting better by the day!
You write some intense stories, so I can only imagine the emotions you go through as the author, for the rollercoaster we as your readers can go through!
I’ll be looking forward to your new work but even more so, take care of yourself!
Andrew –
So sorry to hear about the pneumonia, been there, done that, have the crappy plastic thingy that you’re supposed to blow into to rebuild your lung strength. (Hah) Please rest and take care of yourself for a speedier recovery.
Can’t wait to read the new set of stories. I’m a new comer to your works so I’ve only read the 1st book, but am looking forward to reading the next 6!
Thank you, Diane and Marie,
I like to think the worst is behind me. I’m just easily tired, but I’m told that this too will pass.
My crappy, plastic thingy is called Volumatic, by the way.
Meanwhile, the first installment has been published. This page contains some general information, and the links to all published scenes.
Marie, if you’re planning to read the other books in the series, I’d recommend waiting with starting Lee-Lack’s Gold until you’ve finished the first trilogy (Books I, II & III).